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Welcome to The VA Handbook, doll!

There’s a lot of information on becoming a Virtual Assistant out there and I bet your head is spinning by the time you read this. I also bet:

  • You’re wondering what being a VA involves and whether it’s for you
  • You’re not sure how it all works and how to get clients
  • You just want to know where to start and what to do first
  • You’re worried you might mess it up and end up living penniless in a ditch
  • You’re probably over-thinking the whole thing

But don’t worry, because I have everything you need to set up and run your own successful Virtual Assistant business.

This site is for you if:

  • You don’t like following rules or the herd
  • You zig when everyone else zags
  • You’re new skool not old skool
  • You know there’s more to life and you don’t want to sleepwalk through it
  • You want to live your life by design and not default
  • You want straightforward advice without any fluff, nonsense or bulls*t

What to do now

1. Read some posts

There’s a lot of information on my site and I want it to be really easy for you to find what you need. The best way to do this is to use the categories or search box in the sidebar or look at the list of posts below and simply click on the article you want to read.

2. Download some stuff

Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been in business for a while, I have loads of guides, templates, checklists and courses to help you set up and run a bulletproof Virtual Assistant business. View them all here.

3. Join the VA Handbookers Facebook group

My VA Handbookers Facebook group is a fun and friendly international community of over 24,000 like-minded people all sharing their freelance journey.

It’s the biggest Facebook community of any UK Virtual Assistant trainer and you should apply to join immediately. The others can’t wait to meet you.

“Fantastic, inspiring and a great confidence boost for anyone looking to start their own business. Packed full of common sense advice and knowledge. My favourite group on Facebook.” Tracy E

4. Get on the mailing list

If you download my Free guide on what tools you need (and don’t need) to set up your VA business, you’ll automatically be added to my (absolutely phenomenal) mailing list.

Okay, are you ready?

Because the next chapter of your ‘one wild and precious’ life starts right here.


Confidence and motivation

– The best things about being a VA.
– Answers to every worry you have.
– Say no to the naysayers!
– How to answer every naysayer you’ll ever meet – including yourself!
– Read this then just set up your business already!
– Read interviews with new and established VAs.
– Watch short videos from new VAs.
– Don’t confuse your skills with your personality.
– Why the pandemic was the ‘little ship’ moment for Virtual Assistants.

Setting up

– FAQs about becoming a Virtual Assistant.
– Why it’s ALWAYS a great time to be a Virtual Assistant.
– Why you should become a Virtual Assistant.
– How to become a Virtual Assistant.
– Are you cut out to be a Virtual Assistant?
– Qualities every VA needs to have.
– 15 blunt truths about what it means to be a Virtual Assistant.
– Advice for newbies from experienced VAs.
– 10 things they don’t tell you about working for yourself.
– TEST: 3 example VA tasks for you to try.
– How to work out your Virtual Assistant niche.
– How to decide what services you should offer.
– 30 Virtual Assistant services you could offer.
– How to get testimonials when you’re just starting out.
– When to leave your job to be a full-time Virtual Assistant.
– How to prepare even if you’re still working full time.
– How Virtual Assistants manage childcare.
– How to choose the right laptop.
– Can a VA just work on a Chromebook?
– How Virtual Assistants track client work.

Money and legal

– How to set your Virtual Assistant rates.
– How to raise your hourly rate.
– How to improve your pricing strategy and mindset.
– How to handle late-paying clients.
– The legal stuff every Virtual Assistant needs to know.
– Do Virtual Assistants need a contract?
– What VAs need to know about data protection (essential reading!)
– Why every Virtual Assistant needs insurance
– What UK VAs need to know about Tax and National Insurance.
– Common VA scams and how to avoid them.
– Should Virtual Assistants display their rates on their website?
– What story are you telling yourself about money?
– Negotiation advice for Virtual Assistants.

Websites and branding

– How to create a Virtual Assistant website.
– Do you need a blog and what should you write about?
– How to name your Virtual Assistant business.
– Things to consider when designing your logo.
– 6 common business card mistakes and how to avoid them.
– Should Virtual Assistants display their rates on their website?

Finding work

– How to create a Virtual Assistant marketing strategy (and plan).
– The 4 best ways to land your first client.
– 40 ways to market your Virtual Assistant business.

– How to get awesome clients.
– How to write a great LinkedIn profile.
– Three LinkedIn message templates.
– Virtual Assistants reveal who their first client was (and how they got them).
– Virtual Assistants reveal who their last client was (and how they got them).
– How to network like a VA superstar.
– How to write a Virtual Assistant elevator pitch.
– Can Virtual Assistants find work on Upwork?
– Associate work: your questions answered.

Client management

– Time management tips for Virtual Assistants.
– How to avoid time-waster clients.
– How to manage difficult clients (and what a good one looks like).
– What happens if a Virtual Assistant makes a mistake?
– What to do when a potential client doesn’t know what they need you for.
– How and when to fire a client.

Learn and grow

– Tips for managing emails and multiple email accounts.
– How to protect your business with a SWOT analysis.
– How Virtual Assistants should use December to get ahead.
– How to future-proof your VA business.
– The platforms, apps and tools I pay for (and the ones I don’t)
– The perfect task-management calendar for Virtual Assistants.
– AI image showdown: Same prompt, 12 different platforms, interesting results.
– Mastering the ChatGPT custom instructions box: An essential guide for VAs.

Personal shizz

– 20 random things you don’t know about me.
– My own Virtual Assistant story.
– How I survive winter without frostbite, fractures or a massive heating bill.

Plus – Quick Wins

This special Quick Win category is dedicated to simple yet valuable tasks you can quickly learn and then suggest to your clients.

Clients will do anything to keep a VA who adds value to their business – and value has nothing to do with your rates!

Think you’d make a great Virtual Assistant?

If you want to become a Virtual Assistant and just want someone to walk you through the entire process so you make as few mistakes as possible, then sign up for my DIY VA course today.

With lifetime access and an incredible trainee-only support group, I hold your hand throughout the entire process and do my utmost to help you succeed. You can even pay in instalments