Posts Categorized Finding Work

How to write a stand-out Virtual Assistant LinkedIn profile

LinkedIn is a fantastic way for Virtual Assistants to find clients. By optimising your profile and using LinkedIn’s unique networking features, you can showcase your VA skills, build credibility, and connect with people you want to work with. In this post, I’ll show you how to use LinkedIn effectively and write a stand-out, client-landing profile.

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How to create a Virtual Assistant marketing strategy (and plan)

I frequently see members of the Handbookers Facebook group say they struggle to find work despite posting regularly on social media. But posting random content without knowing what to say, where to say it and who to say it to is about as effective as shouting out the window. To get clients, Virtual Assistants need a solid marketing strategy.

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Can Virtual Assistants find work on Upwork?

What do we want? Fabulous, well-paying clients! When do we want them? Right this minue! Every freelancer needs to find work, but do popular outsourcing websites like Upwork, People Per Hour, 3desk, Fiverr, and Guru actually lead to well-paid work for Virtual Assistants? Read on to find out.

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40 ways to market your Virtual Assistant business

Every Virtual Assistant needs to find clients, but unless you come from a marketing background, you’ve probably never promoted yourself before. In fact, the thought of marketing may even make you feel a bit anxious. People can only hire you if they know you exist, so here are 40 ways to market your VA business to get you started.

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The four best ways to land your first client

The most frequently asked question from new Virtual Assistants in my VA Handbookers Facebook group is “How do I get my first client?”. Because marketing and looking for work can be daunting when you’re first starting out, here are the four most successful ways I’ve found to land your very first client.

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Virtual Assistants reveal who their last client was (and how they got them)

If you’re a new or potential Virtual Assistant it can be really difficult to imagine what types of business owners would hire you and how that relationship would begin. I already have a blog post on how VAs landed their first client, but I was interested in finding out whether the same methods applied when it came to signing up subsequent clients.

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Common business card mistakes and how to avoid them

Like a handshake, a business card can say a lot about you as well as the type of business you operate. Because it’s often the first point of contact for potential clients and therefore needs to create the right impression, I’ve put together a list of the most common mistakes I’ve seen when creating cards so you don’t unwittingly make them.

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Associate work: your questions answered

Because Associate work is a great way to take on more work both when starting out and as you become more successful, I asked my VA Handbookers Facebook group to post up any questions they had on the subject and then I asked members who had experience of both sides of the fence to answer them. This is what they said:

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Virtual Assistants reveal who their first client was (and how they got them)

If you’re a new Virtual Assistant or thinking of becoming one, I’m sure you’re worried about how you will get new clients. So to help you get an idea of who could be that elusive and exciting first client, I asked members of my VA Handbookers Facebook group a load of questions about their first one including how they got them and what tasks they needed help with.

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How to get awesome clients

If you want a satisfying and fulfilling freelance career it’s really important to have clients that you enjoy working with – because there’s no point in leaving a (horribly unfulfilling, tedious but secure) full-time job to still be miserable at work! A great client is a truly wonderful thing and they’re actually not as hard to find as you might think.

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