Posts Tagged Social Media

How to write a stand-out Virtual Assistant LinkedIn profile

LinkedIn is a fantastic way for Virtual Assistants to find clients. By optimising your profile and using LinkedIn’s unique networking features, you can showcase your VA skills, build credibility, and connect with people you want to work with. In this post, I’ll show you how to use LinkedIn effectively and write a stand-out, client-landing profile.

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How to create a Virtual Assistant marketing strategy (and plan)

I frequently see members of the Handbookers Facebook group say they struggle to find work despite posting regularly on social media. But posting random content without knowing what to say, where to say it and who to say it to is about as effective as shouting out the window. To get clients, Virtual Assistants need a solid marketing strategy.

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LinkedIn message templates for Virtual Assistants

Ever been on LinkedIn and want to connect with someone but don’t know what to say? Or maybe you’ve already connected, but you don’t know how to continue the conversation. Perhaps someone has requested to connect with you, but you want to know why before accepting. Don’t worry because I have three templates that completely eliminate the weird awkwardness of LinkedIn messaging!

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