Posts Tagged Networking

How to create a Virtual Assistant marketing strategy (and plan)

I frequently see members of the Handbookers Facebook group say they struggle to find work despite posting regularly on social media. But posting random content without knowing what to say, where to say it and who to say it to is about as effective as shouting out the window. To get clients, Virtual Assistants need a solid marketing strategy.

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Advice for new Virtual Assistants from experienced VAs

If you’re still in the setting-up phase of your VA business wouldn’t it be great to receive some personal advice from established Virtual Assistants who have walked the path before you? I mean, imagine how helpful it would be to hear some words of wisdom, get some pointers and find out what the best course of action would be? Oh wait… there is!

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Common business card mistakes and how to avoid them

Like a handshake, a business card can say a lot about you as well as the type of business you operate. Because it’s often the first point of contact for potential clients and therefore needs to create the right impression, I’ve put together a list of the most common mistakes I’ve seen when creating cards so you don’t unwittingly make them.

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How to write a Virtual Assistant elevator pitch

An “elevator pitch” is how you would deliver a summary of your product, business or service to someone during a short elevator ride. It’s not a sales pitch; it’s a concise explanation of who you are, what you do, who you do it for and why someone might want this. It’s useful to have an elevator pitch when networking, so let me show you how to write one.

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How to network like a VA superstar

Virtual Assistants often feel apprehensive about attending networking events, but, as many VAs say, it’s their most successful way of landing clients and because you’re going to have to do it anyway, it (literally) pays to be good at it. Talking to a room full of strangers may sound daunting, but with my advice, you’ll be a VA networking superstar in no time.

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