FAQs about becoming a Virtual Assistant

I know from experience that when you first discover Virtual Assistants exist and you suspect you might want to be one, you research the subject to death and then quickly become overwhelmed with information. So, here are the most frequently asked questions about becoming a Virtual Assistant to help you decide if it’s the right career for you.

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How to become a Virtual Assistant in 2025

Being a Virtual Assistant is awesome. I have a fantastic lifestyle and have worked in countries all around the world. But the life of a freelancer isn’t all unicorns and fairies, and it’s definitely not a “side hustle” or a way of making easy money. Let me tell you what’s actually involved in setting up and running a VA business so you can decide if it’s for you.

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Virtual Assistant retainers: how they work and when to use them

Monthly retainers are one of the most reliable pricing models. They provide a predictable income, ensure clients always have access to your time, streamline your workload, eliminate uncertainty and help create stable, long-term working relationships. In this post, I’ll cover how monthly retainers work, when to use them, and common mistakes to avoid.

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How to set your Virtual Assistant rates (and get paid what you’re worth)

Setting your Virtual Assistant rates can feel like a minefield. Charge too little, and you’ll go out of business, but charge too much without backing it up, and clients may not hire you. In this post, I outline the different types of pricing models you can choose from so you can set a rate that’s fair, competitive, sustainable and makes you a ton of money!

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Interview with social media VA, Nikki Ince

This is a Virtual Assistant case study and interview with Nikki Ince. Nikki is the owner of Willow Social, a Virtual Assistant company based in Essex. She initially only provided onsite admin support to local businesses but went fully virtual in 2013 and now provides social media support to small businesses and entrepreneurs. This is her VA story.

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Interview with Ibiza-based VA Rachel Rose

This is a Virtual Assistant case study and interview with single Mum Rachel Rose. After her divorce ten years ago, Rachel left the UK to take a six-month travel sabbatical, but instead of returning, ended up moving to Ibiza, Spain, where she still lives with her 3.5-year-old son. Rachel has been running her Virtual Assistant business since June 2024.

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How to answer every naysayer you’ll ever meet (including yourself

I’ve written about how to say no to “well-meaning” saboteurs called naysayers, but what I haven’t done is give you examples of what they might say so you know what to say no to! Whether you’re on the receiving end of a negative comment or battling your own negative thoughts, it will help to have a good response ready.

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Why every Virtual Assistant needs insurance

New Virtual Assistants often ask if they need insurance and, if so, what type of cover they should get. As it’s vital that Virtual Assistants have insurance, I’ve put together a comprehensive summary of the different types of policies available to you to help you make an informed decision and ensure you don’t get sued or screwed!

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Interview with UK VA, Becky Considine

This is a VA case study and interview with Becky Considine. After years of high-level admin experience and work as a PA and EA within the NHS, Becky decided to re-evaluate her career after having her second daughter. She runs her VA business from Oxford, England and launched OXVAS (Oxford Virtual Assistant Service) at the end of 2013.

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Answers to every worry you’ll ever have

People often email me their questions and concerns about becoming a Virtual Assistant, and while I suspect I’ve heard pretty much every mindset stumbling block under the sun, I still haven’t found one single good reason why someone shouldn’t set up their own business. Here are your biggest fears and how to overcome them.

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The legal stuff every Virtual Assistant needs to know

Virtual Assistants need legal contracts so they don’t get sued or screwed. Clients expect you to have them and they’re there to give both you and your client peace of mind if it all goes south. It may start out all rainbows and fairies but client relationships can sour – and you do not want to find yourself naked and shivering without a contract!

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Everything UK Virtual Assistants need to know about tax and National Insurance

When you decide you’re going to become a Virtual Assistant and take over the Universe, one of the things you’ll need to do is tell HMRC you’re no longer working for The Man but for many men and women instead. The information provided below is based on current UK tax laws, so please check what your own government requires if you live outside of the UK.

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