Posts Tagged Websites

How to create a Virtual Assistant marketing strategy (and plan)

I frequently see members of the Handbookers Facebook group say they struggle to find work despite posting regularly on social media. But posting random content without knowing what to say, where to say it and who to say it to is about as effective as shouting out the window. To get clients, Virtual Assistants need a solid marketing strategy.

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Do you need a blog and what should you write about?

Members of my VA Handbookers Facebook group often ask whether it’s worth writing a blog. On the one hand, they hear that it’s good for search engine optimisation (SEO), but they also don’t want to write one if they don’t really need it – plus, they’re not really too sure what to write about even if they do decide to start one.

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How to create a Virtual Assistant website

Your website acts as a shop window for your Virtual Assistant business so it needs to appeal to visitors and convert them into paying clients… which is much easier said than done! There are 1000 different things you need to consider when creating a site (and this is before you write a single word of content), so read on to find out what they are.

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Should Virtual Assistants display their rates on their website?

An ongoing debate amongst freelancers is whether or not you should display your rates on your website. Although not everyone agrees and I have my own fixed opinion on the matter, I want to outline the pros and cons of both arguments as well as address common concerns so you can make an informed decision for yourself.

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