Posts Tagged Services

Quick Win: How to detect and deal with plagiarism

Another great quick-win task to suggest to your clients is monitoring for plagiarism. This is actually something my own Virtual Assistant does for me every month as I like to know my content isn’t being used without my permission. Not only is this a great service to offer clients, but you can also check to see if your own website content is being stolen.

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Virtual Assistants reveal who their last client was (and how they got them)

If you’re a new or potential Virtual Assistant it can be really difficult to imagine what types of business owners would hire you and how that relationship would begin. I already have a blog post on how VAs landed their first client, but I was interested in finding out whether the same methods applied when it came to signing up subsequent clients.

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Virtual Assistants reveal who their first client was (and how they got them)

If you’re a new Virtual Assistant or thinking of becoming one, I’m sure you’re worried about how you will get new clients. So to help you get an idea of who could be that elusive and exciting first client, I asked members of my VA Handbookers Facebook group a load of questions about their first one including how they got them and what tasks they needed help with.

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Quick Win: How to chase overdue invoices for your clients

A great service to offer is credit control – i.e. chasing invoices. You might shudder at the thought of calling strangers to chase money, but it’s actually completely painless if you know what to say. Many small business owners prefer to outsource this task because it prevents awkwardness by creating a professional buffer between them and their clients.

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30 Virtual Assistant services you could offer

Another popular question from new Virtual Assistants is what services they should offer their clients. Obviously, this will depend on numerous things such as demand, your niche, your skill set, your interests, your previous career and your location, but here are 30 different VA services you could consider offering to start you off.

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How to decide what Virtual Assistant services to offer

When you first become a Virtual Assistant, you need to have a good think about what services you want to provide. If you’ve already decided on your niche then you’ll know exactly what your chosen target market needs help with but if you haven’t, here are a few things to think about that should help you decide what services to offer your clients.

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