Posts Tagged Adding Value

The perfect task-management calendar for Virtual Assistants

Whether you’re still in the process of setting up your VA business or have already started working with clients, managing your time can be a real challenge. Your schedule as a business owner will be very different from when you worked as an employee, so having an effective task-management system in place will make a huge difference.

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Quick Win: How to detect and deal with plagiarism

Another great quick-win task to suggest to your clients is monitoring for plagiarism. This is actually something my own Virtual Assistant does for me every month as I like to know my content isn’t being used without my permission. Not only is this a great service to offer clients, but you can also check to see if your own website content is being stolen.

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Quick Win: How to chase overdue invoices for your clients

A great service to offer is credit control – i.e. chasing invoices. You might shudder at the thought of calling strangers to chase money, but it’s actually completely painless if you know what to say. Many small business owners prefer to outsource this task because it prevents awkwardness by creating a professional buffer between them and their clients.

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