Posts Tagged Videos

The legal stuff every Virtual Assistant needs to know

Virtual Assistants need legal contracts so they don’t get sued or screwed. Clients expect you to have them and they’re there to give both you and your client peace of mind if it all goes south. It may start out all rainbows and fairies but client relationships can sour – and you do not want to find yourself naked and shivering without a contract!

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The perfect task-management calendar for Virtual Assistants

Whether you’re still in the process of setting up your VA business or have already started working with clients, managing your time can be a real challenge. Your schedule as a business owner will be very different from when you worked as an employee, so having an effective task-management system in place will make a huge difference.

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How to improve your pricing strategy and mindset

Knowing what to charge and then asking for it is one of the hardest aspects of freelancing. Not only is the subject of pricing unfamiliar to new business owners, but the whole idea of talking about money seems to make most women uncomfortable. But in order to become a successful (i.e. wealthy) VA, you will need to nail your pricing strategy otherwise you will end up with a hobby and not a business.

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What Virtual Assistants need to know about data protection

Unless you live on the moon, I’m sure you’ve heard of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation. Commonly known as the GDPR, these regulations affect every business whether it is based in the EU or not – so you AND your clients need to comply with it. Here’s what you need to know about global data protection and how to stay compliant.

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