Posts Categorized Learn And Grow

Protect your VA business with a SWOT analysis

Back when I used to offer 1-2-1 training, I mentioned to a friend that a couple of trainees had confidence issues. I’d given them the practical steps they needed to become a VA, but I wasn’t sure how to move them forward when it came to building confidence. He reminded me that I wasn’t a therapist and asked if they’d completed a SWOT analysis.

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Quick Win: How to chase overdue invoices for your clients

A great service to offer is credit control – i.e. chasing invoices. You might shudder at the thought of calling strangers to chase money, but it’s actually completely painless if you know what to say. Many small business owners prefer to outsource this task because it prevents awkwardness by creating a professional buffer between them and their clients.

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How Virtual Assistants can use December to get ahead

As with August, December is often a quiet time of the year for VAs. Clients are winding down for Christmas themselves and, while it’s great to have a couple of weeks off, if you invest a little time during the gap between Christmas and New Year (Twixtmas / Chrimbo Limbo) putting your house in order, you’ll start the new year fresh and ahead of the game.

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Tips for managing emails and multiple email accounts

Effectively and efficiently managing email accounts is a vital skill for any Virtual Assistant. From the multitude of emails you receive to the ones for and from your clients, if you know how to control all your different accounts and emails, you’ll be a better Virtual Assistant, and your clients will adore you.

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